*If you have questions about which class is when, consult our “Schedule At A Glance”.

All class spaces are reserved first come first served.

All Ozark Fiber Fling participants will send their registration forms with choices of classes for each day and a check for all applicable fees. This can be either throught the U.S.P.S or our new online registration form. Date stamp determines student placement

Once your registration and fees are received and your classes assigned, you will be contacted – be sure to let us know how you prefer to be contacted.

Refunds will be issued up to October 30, 2024 if a class is full, you can’t make it, or if a class is canceled. All assigned classes are final as of October 30, 2020.

Ozark Fiber Fling and its affiliates will not be held responsible for the results of carelessness, inappropriate behavior, and/or accidents.